It's easy for the stresses of everyday life to impact your mood. Find out which methods work for you in this wellbeing article series.
Slow down
Make it a priority to take small breaks in your day to relax and take some deep breaths. You'll feel recharged and find it easier to get stuck back into your work schedule.
Eat well
Good nutrition is important as it helps your body function at its best. Give some extra thought to what you are feeding yourself and your family, and think about any small improvements you might be able to make.
When the going gets tough, remind yourself of how good it makes you feel when you eat food that nourishes your body.
Exercise regularly
Working out is a great way to relax the body and mind, so find something that you like doing. If you'd rather work out on your own, one of our qualified instructors can put together a free personalised fitness programme for you as part of a Gym or Gym & Pool membership.
Book in time with friends
Make a date with a mate, and make sure it involves a lot of laughter! In addition to being proven to relieve physical tension, laughter is also a lot of fun and something we could all do more often.
We suggest bringing a friend along to one of our Zumba classes. It's a great partner workout, and we challenge anyone to get through a class without cracking a smile