Movement is essential in the first five years of our lives as it builds critical pathways in the brain. To help your child’s development, as well as support their mental and physical wellbeing, we’ve created a collection of fun activities you can do at home.
Plank high fives
Get down on the floor in a plank position with your child, face each other. Your arms should be straight, with hands under shoulders, your back straight, balanced on your toes.
Give each other high fives alternating between left and right hands.
If the plank is too challenging, lie on your tummies with your chests raised and elbows underneath shoulders.
Develops midlines, strength, control and balance.
Egg rolls
Lie on your back with your child on your chest. Cradling their head and neck roll slowly from side to side.
Develops balance and the vestibular system.
Overs and unders
With your child, stand at one end of a large room or hallway. Make your way across the room by taking turns at jumping over and under each other.
Develops balance, agility, coordination and body awareness.
Have fun and follow the leader
Plan a route around your house that includes going over, under and through different objects. Ask your child to follow along.
After each obstacle, do a funny dance for them to copy.
When you have finished your route, your child can lead you through a route of their choice.
Develops sight, listening, balance, agility, coordination and spatial awareness.
One person starts off doing two moves, such as a jump then a clap. The other person needs to remember those moves and then do it themselves.
Start off with two moves, each time the moves are repeated, add an extra move into the sequence.
The aim is to remember all the moves in the sequence as it grows. You could use jumps, waves and silly faces – the options are endless.
Develops memory, imagination, coordination and spatial awareness.
Blind moves
Using a spare long sleeve shirt or rag, blindfold your child and stand them on a marked spot. Ask them to complete a list of instructions such as clapping their hands, touching their nose, spinning, jumping or hopping - anything which keeps them in exactly the same spot.
At the end of the list, ask them to take the blindfold off so that they can see how far they have moved from the original spot.
This could be a fun competition for the whole family.
Develops balance, coordination, body and spatial awareness.
Pass the cuddly
Using a small bean bag, soft toy or cuddly, ask your child to practice passing it back and forward to you. Can they pass it with their left hand? Right hand? From their left hand across their body to your left hand? Vice versa with their right? With their feet? Through their legs? Behind their head? Under their arms? Behind their back?
Develops body awareness, co-ordination and midlines.